In the world of blogging and following(or being followed) on social media, it seems one has to be connected 24/7. It's been really busy with being my alter ego, Mustafa the business entrepreneur. Our electrical retail outlet is what pays my bills for now, so I still need to give some time there, before I can become a regular blogger and post updates about what I'm doing for myself and photography.
For a matter of fact, I have been just so busy trying to survive in this market, I haven't picked up my camera for 3 weeks now, and I feel like I've lost it. Frankly, I've taken up too many personal goals and I'm confused how to fulfill each of them, in each sector of my life. I have a few religious goals, I have a few entrepreneurial goals, I have a few fitness goals, a few goals as a family man and a few goals for photography. So in this schizophrenic life of mine, with multiple personalities, each personality having its own goal and aim in life, God only knows where I'm going to end up. It seems I'm trying to grow a plant between rocks, and botanically, that ain't such a good idea. Though I still haven't lost hope, and that's where I'm still positive and strong. A plant between rocks? so be it. Pssh its just time management foo'.(yea right!)
A dear friend of mine, suggested I use BlogPress to start blogging. I disregarded her suggestion at first since I didn't like blogging from a phone, but now I'm reconsidering it. My next one should be from there.